A little coffee date

In honor of my coffee mugs coming in, I thought I would have a little coffee date with you! If we could, I'd pour us a piping hot mug of tea (I hate coffee. I know, I know.) or coffee (for you because you're a normal human being) and ask you how things were going. I'd want to know what's stressing you out right now and what is giving you the most joy. I wish that we could actually do that, but hopefully a blog will have to do. (You can always respond with a blog post link in the comments!)

After I heard about what's going on in your life, I'd tell you how things have been going really well for us lately. We recently made the decision to calm down on my husband's seminary. The plan was for him to finish and graduate in two years. It was a strict plan with little room for life to happen. It stressed him out and I hated seeing him like that, so we decided to just plan one semester at a time and trust God for the rest. He'll graduate some day.

As August is coming quickly, I'd tell you how excited I am for the new semester. I've been working in the youth group for nearly five years and this month will be my last. I'll start serving in the college ministry in September and I could not be more excited. Although I love my senior girls and almost feel like a weird pseudo-mother to them, college girls make my heart sing. It's the time in their lives when they begin to understand more; they're asking more questions; and, Jesus is becoming more alive to them. It was a thrilling time in my life and I love interjecting in other girls lives during that time too.

I'd also tell you that we're going to Colorado in less than two weeks with my family. I've never been to Colorado in the summer, so exploring, ATV-ing and white water rafting in the breathtaking Colorado mountains will definitely do us some good. I'll share pictures when we get back!

In the meantime before we leave, I'm challenging myself to a 2 week green smoothie routine. I stumbled upon just about the best green smoothie website ever that's encouraged me to try it. I'm not going to change anything in my diet or even use it as a meal supplement. Just going to drink one a day to see how I feel. So far, it's been fantastic. I might fill up my coffee mug with a green smoothie next time we meet. ;)