we're moving!

For the last several months, my husband and I have been wrestling through some big life questions. Many of them have been answered (and still some are hanging) and one of those big answers was to move! 

We'll be relocating to the North Dallas area and could not be more excited. My husband was offered an incredible opportunity at a church and we've rented a cute little apartment. It's half the square footage we've been used to in our house, so we'll definitely be learning all about small living. Our house sold in 5 days and over asking price. We've got a whole lot to celebrate. 

I'm still going to be blogging and Instagramming, but it might be spotty while we make the transition an hour north. 

Here's to packing all of our life's possessions into flimsy donated diaper boxes, living out of a suitcase for two weeks between closing date and move-in date, and strategizing how to get that refrigerator into a U-haul.