moving intentionally

I mentioned in my last post that I want to do the next 23 (now 20!) days with intention as we embark on our adventure. A few days ago, I sat down with a notepad and journaled out what that even meant. So, a successful transition would look like this...

- Letters sent to close friends. Our transition away from the church was a bit abrupt, which made me  feel rather unsettled. Letters to friends will hopefully give closure to a lot of relationships that won't necessarily end, but certainly look different.

- Make doctor's appointments. This one isn't as sweet as all of the rest, but we'll have dramatically different insurance coverage in the next few weeks so it's time to make ALL the appointments.

- Pack boxes according to schedule. Thankfully, we've had about 5 weeks since our house went under contract to pack boxes, donate miscellaneous items and sort what will be stored for the next year while we live in an apartment. We move out officially at the end of July, so we still have about 3 more weeks. Having a schedule of which rooms need to be packed by when has certainly put my mind to ease.

- Go to the local water park multiple times. There's a water park 2 minutes away from our house and for the past two summers, we've bought season passes to it. We bought our passes this year before life flipped upside down and there's a strict no refund policy. SO! Needless to say, we are already really rather tan.

- Continue working on The Tabitha Shop and my day job every day. Even though priorities are a little confusing right now as moving is a beast, I'm committed to still working as unto the Lord in my employment.

Whew. I'm ready for the next adventure, but am going to savor these short few weeks as much as possible!