what i'm currently reading...

Obviously I should plug that Kindle in sooner or later. 

One of my summer bucket list items was to finish re-reading all of the Harry Potter books. That took me no time because I just love that series.

But, like Harry did with his life, I've got to move on too.

I haven't read as much this summer as I would have liked, but here's what I've read so far:

The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (finished)
This was an excellent read, provided that you're not bothered by language. J.K. Rowling, the author of my fav (see above), actually wrote this under the pen name "Robert Galbraith." It's a far cry from the whimsical word of Harry Potter and she instead plunges her readers into a world of drugs, crime and lies as Comodoran Strike untangles a mysterious death. It was a perfect read while in Colorado as I alternated between watching the sun set behind mountains and unraveling the mystery with Comodoran.

Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (currently reading)
Although initially confusing by relating the story through five people, this book is coming together as a poignant tale of life and religious confusion in the Congo. A missionary family with four daughters sell everything, rather unwillingly, to follow their dad's passion to convert the Congo. He attempts to change the impoverished country with ineffective and arrogant means and the family is forced to reconcile their faith with their father's harshness against the backdrop of Africa. It's staggering and beautiful. I've been reading it while I dip into the pool after a run.

I just love a good book. One of these is a "real" book while the other is a Kindle version. I really haven't decided yet which one I like better. The feeling of a piece of paper against my thumb and the smell of ink pressed onto a page can never hold a candle to the hard plastic of a Kindle, but the convenient light weight of the device sure beats the hassle of stuffing a book into an already stuffed bag. Eh, I think I'll just enjoy both.