hi, june!

Every month for the last year and a half, I've made very concrete and purposeful goals. Some months, I would change the categories and other months, I would pare down those goals. But in some fashion or another, I planned out the next month meticulously. The purpose was to keep me on track and motivated. And, it worked. I knew where I was going each month and what to accomplish. Goals kept me sane. 

But seasons change and goals need to morph too. I'm not cutting off goals from my life forever, but for this summer, I'm letting them off the hook. This summer, I have four tasks I want to accomplish. I don't have an end date or product on those things. I just want to do them and that be the end of that. 

This summer is all about laying by the pool, reading good books, eating good food and loving on good friends.  

I still have Tabitha Shop goals too, of course. I'll be prepping for Christmas and fine-tuning my making process. But after a year of transitions, my husband and I decided to make sacrifices in order to create more space in our lives. 

Derek and I are "what's next" people. Always on the go, we constantly want to climb the next mountain, conquer the next challenge, or dream the next dream. We rarely consciously relax. And not just a weekend getaway, but a full-blown, all-out season of rest. So, we decided to do just that this summer. We've postponed buying a home, opted for a part-time instead of full-time job for my husband and intentionally said "no" to anything scheduled over the weekends in June. 

I never realized the intention required to be restful. But, we're doing it this summer. Our health, joy and sanity are worth the sacrifice.