Friday Coffee Date

Let's sit down and have a nice little coffee date, shall we? It's been a while since we've done this and there is just so much to share.

In ministry //
Life feels like it's going at brake-neck speed right now. February is always this way. Major church events always happen this time of the year, especially our weekend youth retreat. It takes months to prepare with an army of volunteers. Although it's my favorite youth event of the year, it's utterly exhausting.

With this insanity comes a bit of self-care loss. The house starts to smell funny; the dishes pile up; and, I forget the last time that I showered.

But, it's much better than it was last year. Last year, I was planning the whole she-bang, while also planning a major 5K race and working two part-time jobs. I felt overwhelmed and like I couldn't breath. It was this time last year that I realized I needed a more funneled focus. That although it's exciting to take on so many projects, I would be far more effective (and joyful) if I went deep and narrow instead of wide and shallow. Throughout the months after February, the Lord revealed what that meant and it was both a relieving and painful process.

Now, I'm focusing on my current full-time job, working on The Tabitha Shop, ministering to our small college group and loving on my husband and friends. It feels so much better to say no, even if it's to things I would love. I feel far more relieved and purposeful.

In business //

Can I just say that Whitney English is incredible?! Seriously. Any business owner looking for some clarity on their future should listen to her. I watched her webinar through the Influence Network this week and couldn't write notes fast enough. She even provided a 15 page workbook to discover your brand's core. It was so helpful and practical. Not just theories on what you should do but the nitty gritty of what it all looks like. I've started working through the workbook this week and love seeing how things are clearing up.

In life //

My husband and I are coming up on 5 years of marriage and owning our house. It's been incredible to think through the last several years and marvel at how much we have both changed. We've learned much about being married and look with anticipation at the rest of our lives together.