Spring Bucket List

I tried a bucket list last fall and just loved the idea! I often have the desire to do fun things, but never actually do them. The blog keeps me accountable to making it happen.

I'm keeping the list short this spring since I know that it will be a busy time. But I'm looking forward to checking off these fun things and soaking in the blossoming flowers and unpredictable weather.

So, my 2015 Spring Bucket List:

1. Wear more dresses.
2. Have a picnic lunch in the Botanical Gardens.
3. Hike at our local state park.
4. Plant a flower. Check! 

Also, the pictures of these gorgeous flowers came from the Dallas Arboreteum two years ago. Some dear friends were getting engaged and they asked my husband and me to video and photo the whole thing. It was such a thrill AND pretty.